for all your livestock buying and marketing needs
Sales Every Thursday
2 p.m.
Proudly Serving the Valley
since 1956
Lot 1 - 57 steers, avg. 850
Spring Valley Farm
52 B-BWF, 3 CX, 2 Red
54 L+M1, 3 L+M2
Range: 800-900 Total: 48,450
Health Program: Vision 7/somnus, BoviShield Gold OneShot, Ivermectin
Flesh: 5 Clean score: 0 Implants: no
Feed: TMR - corn silage, wrapped hay, distiller's grain
Weighing conditions: five-mile haul to RLS, off loaded and weighed. FOB RLS. 2% shrink.
Pickup Thursday, May 16, 2024.
What's coming up?
We have plenty of opportunities coming up to market or purchase cattle for the spring grazing season.
Every Thursday at 2 p.m. – regular sale for all types of livestock. Always a good availability of fresh feeder cattle and an excellent day to market your baby calves and cull cows.
Second Thursday of every month – State Graded Feeder Sales for steers, heifers and bull calves. One head or one hundred, these sales have a proven track record of getting you top dollar for your cattle.​
Announcements from the auction box at the time of the sale take precedence over any other information regarding this sale.
Thank you.