for all your livestock buying and marketing needs
Sales Every Thursday
2 p.m.
Proudly Serving the Valley
since 1956

About Rockingham Livestock...

Jim, Steve, & Jimmy 'Pop' Chambers
circa 1976
Call us or leave a message on our contact page to discuss which of our many marketing tools will help you obtain top dollar for your cattle when you are selling and top cattle for your dollar when you are buying. We are a full service market, ready to help you.
Our Story
Welcome to Rockingham Livestock Sales. We are a family run, multipurpose, livestock auction market located in the heart of the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. We are proud of our over sixty years of dedicated service to farmers in the Valley and to buyers from across the street to across the country. The business of agriculture is changing daily, and though our methods of doing business are ever evolving to keep up with the times, our commitment to being here to assist you with all of your buying and marketing needs remains strong. We offer a variety of ways for you to buy and sell your livestock:
Regular, dependable sales for all livestock every Thursday at 2 p.m. For slaughter cattle we have at least four packing plants represented each week. For stockers and feeder cattle we have local as well as out of state buyers in the barn at every sale.
Special cow/calf sales and Holstein dairy sales are available on request.
Top quality Valley feeder cattle are available daily.
We conduct monthly State Graded Feeder sales with both in-barn and field sales offered.